
The combination stopwatch and Twitter/Facebook/Email/Text Messaging app that lets you keep your friends, family, and crew informed about your progress in real-time as you do long races or training runs or rides, with only tapping, not typing!

A great tool for ultrarunners, adventure racers, marathon cyclists and their families and crew

iPhone • iPad • iPod Touch software

Do you want to keep your family, friends, and crew informed about your progress while you are running an ultra, doing an adventure race or marathon cycling event, or just doing a multi-hour training run or ride? Wouldn't you like to be able to Tweet, post to Facebook, send an email, or text message them without doing any typing at all? If so, UltraPost™ is for you! Just start by entering a set of aid stations (or waypoints on a training run or ride), or just downloading aid station information from Stevens Creek Software for many known races. The software will even adjust your expected times at aid stations based on minimum and maximum estimates of your overall finish!

As you reach an aid station, one tap records the time you arrive (and, optionally, leave), the GPS coordinates of the spot, and with just two more taps, lets you send out a tweet, Facebook post, email or text message with all that information already filled in! Based on your pre-race estimates, it can even let your family and crew know what time you're expected at the next station and at the finish! During races you can also let your crew do the work, recording your times on their iPhone or iPad as you arrive at each station, and letting the world know how you're doing.

You can also just use the app as a stopwatch for your training runs, with one distinct advantage over a regular watch — voice prompts when you start, pause, or resume timing. Have you ever paused for a break on a run, thought you hit the right button to restart the watch, and discovered much later that you hadn't? With UltraPost, a voice letting you know "Timer paused" or "Timer resumed" will make sure that never happens again.

Just tap to record arrival time;
double-tap to record leaving time

One tap on the Twitter icon and a tweet is all ready to send!

The precise content of each tweet, post, or email is under your control

The manual is built right in to the software, for easy reference

You can even add words or phases to your Tweet, post, email, or text message just by tapping, not typing!

The software is also optimized for iPad use, for use by family and crew

Predicted splits already available for selected races. Enter the race start and estimates for earliest and latest finishes

...then select the race you're doing (other races added frequently and on request)

And now you and your family and crew will
have estimates of the earliest and latest times
that you'll arrive at each aid station.

About Stevens Creek Software:

Stevens Creek Software has been developing software for Windows, Macintosh, Palm, and iPhone since 1988. We have been a leading developer of software for the Palm platform, and are now one of the leading developers of software for iPhone, with nine different titles on the market.

Stevens Creek Software
P.O. Box 2126
Cupertino, CA 95015

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